Catalysts For Awakening And Change Series: Potency And Experiences With Tim Bui

Tim Bui and I, in this Jan 14, 2024 recording, talk: potency, awakening experiences and processes, removal, identity, ego, embodiment, depression, emotions, wounds, transmutation, visions, clarity, spiritual practices, teachers, Vajrayāna Buddhism, retreats, healing, Mexico, self, not-self, existence, Buddha nature, nothingness, interconnectedness, weak(ening) goal barriers, doing, non-doing Biography High Performance Sleep Coach focused on helping purposeContinue reading “Catalysts For Awakening And Change Series: Potency And Experiences With Tim Bui”

Anchoring Awakeness With Swami Nityananda

On August 2, 2023, Spiritual Teacher, Author, and Professor Swami Nityananda and I spoke to/about non-dual awareness, joy, grace, everyday life, her teacher Swami Shankarananda and her lineage which includes Kriya Yoga and the Venerable Yogananda, presence, energy, inspiration, light, the infinite, perceptions of limitation, being in a body, identity, awareness, vastness, balance, experience, purpose,Continue reading “Anchoring Awakeness With Swami Nityananda”

Beyond Gender, Forgiveness And Progressive Relationships: In Conversation With Randi Green

(Note: If listening to this as/in a podcast (app) please visit the episode page for part two) Randi and I talk about how the movie “A Dangerous Method” inspired us to explore: Freud and Jung, anima and animus, feminism, certain kinds of sexual normalizations, gender, identity (politics), self-censorship, status, roles, gender confusion, transhumanism, law ofContinue reading “Beyond Gender, Forgiveness And Progressive Relationships: In Conversation With Randi Green”

Death Contemplation And Meditation

The description for the April 14th “Death Contemplation & Meditation” Insight Timer live event: Unwise, unskillful choices can come from an unconscious fear of death. The most profound contemplations and meditations on death protect us and help us appreciate every moment Some revised notes: Benefits of Death Contemplation And Meditation: In/for (formal) meditation practice: ‘…canContinue reading “Death Contemplation And Meditation”

Show Up. Listen Up. Speak Up. | (2/22/2022 — “Ask Us Anything – LIVE” With Lydia Grace)

Fellow Insight Timer teacher Lydia Grace inspired the title of this month’s regular open-audience, open-discussion “Ask Us Anything” — continuing discussions about meditation and related topics. Recently on Lydia’s Insight Timer circle Embodied Living she said of one of her solo live events, “…you didn’t actually miss the live because I got on briefly to say I couldn’t doContinue reading “Show Up. Listen Up. Speak Up. | (2/22/2022 — “Ask Us Anything – LIVE” With Lydia Grace)”

Vedic Astrology, Enneagram of Personality & Wheel of Totality with Indra Rinzler

Some of the topics Indra Rinzler and I address: Vedic Astrology Enneagram Wheel of Totality