Death Contemplation And Meditation

The description for the April 14th “Death Contemplation & Meditation” Insight Timer live event: Unwise, unskillful choices can come from an unconscious fear of death. The most profound contemplations and meditations on death protect us and help us appreciate every moment Some revised notes: Benefits of Death Contemplation And Meditation: In/for (formal) meditation practice: ‘…canContinue reading “Death Contemplation And Meditation”

Conscious Pregnancies With Kristy Geltz

Friend and mother Kristy Geltz shares her knowledge, wisdom and experiences with pregnancy, giving birth and mothering. (While still listenable just know we recorded on Kristy’s porch with nearby construction vehicles beeping and the main recording didn’t take so using the lesser quality Wisdom App live recording.) Topics include: Or listen via Insight Timer (appContinue reading “Conscious Pregnancies With Kristy Geltz”