Surmounting the Impeccability Gauntlet

The April 10, 2024 Insight Timer live event description: Imagine being impeccable in speech and conduct. Let’s explore such an aspiration via topics like: intent / purpose, honesty, training, authenticity, sincerity, seriousness, humor, ease, intuition, wisdom, discernment, feedback, (self-) kindness, sympathy, mindfulness and the power of self-responsibility And I read this snippet: Take another personContinue reading “Surmounting the Impeccability Gauntlet”

Relationship Lessons And Growth With June Edward

On December 29, 2023 June Edwards and I spoke a lot about relationships including how she sees the framing of soul mates, twin flames and karmic relationships; the lessons of self-worth, trust and communication, unconditional love, money and balance, and patience. We go deeper into growth, self-love, purpose, effective communication in relationships, and relationship lessonsContinue reading “Relationship Lessons And Growth With June Edward”

A Healing Way Out Of Spying And War With John Lawyer

On December 19, 2023 John Lawyer and I talked about approaches to healing from various forms of trauma, time, the nature of reality, beliefs, awakening, purpose, spiritual community, intelligence, discernment, the complexity of war and violence, changing ourselves to change the world, and more Biography From desert combat zones to a battle within, John LawyerContinue reading “A Healing Way Out Of Spying And War With John Lawyer”

Self-Healing And Wellbeing With Dr. Lynn Carey

On August 21, 2023 Dr. Lynn Carey talked with me about her chiropractic journey, self-healing, chronic stress, passion, following one’s highest purpose, divine guidance, interconnection between wellbeing and wisdom, living in alignment, lack of helpfulness of disease labels, inspiration, journaling, recreating trauma and letting go, exploring interests, shadow work and dark night of the soul,Continue reading “Self-Healing And Wellbeing With Dr. Lynn Carey”

A New Reality For Science: On UAPs And Otherworldly Ideas With Randi Green

Randi I talk about new frames of reference in regards to the UAPs (Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon); the investigation of these from the scientific communities; and Randi’s realtime information on what we see on screen including a different angle to the UAPs and why they are here. Randi’s HAL Academy website and courses: and theContinue reading “A New Reality For Science: On UAPs And Otherworldly Ideas With Randi Green”

Fear, Existence, Loneliness And Belonging Along The Path With Michael Harbecke PhD

Shortcut to this blog post: Michael and I sat down at Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in June 2023 to chat a little about life while positioned between East and West Germany during the Cold War and how ensuing fear contributed to stress, an interest in existentialism and what to do and how to be. WeContinue reading “Fear, Existence, Loneliness And Belonging Along The Path With Michael Harbecke PhD”

Integrating Presence Interviews And Talks On YouTube: Creativity, Communication & Heartful Presences

I somewhat recently started recording chats with folks online again and recording them, but for the time being, much of them just for my YouTube channel. I may or may not go back and add them to my traditional podcast feed later Amrit Singh and I talk about spiritual practices, Kundalini Yoga, service work, workingContinue reading “Integrating Presence Interviews And Talks On YouTube: Creativity, Communication & Heartful Presences”

Awakening: A Two Part Series With Randi Green And Alex Manning — (Part 1:) Definition, Purpose & Probability And (Part 2:) On Tools & Teachers

(Note: If listening to this as/in a podcast (app) please visit the episode page for part two) In February 2023, Randi Green and I were joined by Alex Manning to discuss awakening. In the first of this two part series we talk about the definition, purpose and probability of awakening as well as the processes,Continue reading “Awakening: A Two Part Series With Randi Green And Alex Manning — (Part 1:) Definition, Purpose & Probability And (Part 2:) On Tools & Teachers”

Neil Elliot’s ‘Higher Road’

Author D. Neil Elliot and I recorded this conversation on June 7th. From Neil’s website: To any outsider, D. Neil Elliott was highly educated, owned a profitable consulting firm, and had a successful career and an amazing wife and family. But things were not all they seemed to be … Neil was facing a lotContinue reading “Neil Elliot’s ‘Higher Road’”

Studying And Practicing With “The Iddhipāda-Vibhaṅga Sutta — An Analysis Of The Bases Of Power” (SN 51:20): Introduction; The Sutta’s Key Encapsulation Paragraph & A Translation Reading (1 of 7)

One reason this blog post and podcast series came about could likely be due to my meditation practice becoming stale and now provides an outlet for a somewhat more advanced level where details are dived into. If and when exploring this sutta on your own, it’s recommended to drop the intricate, sometimes tedious language I go into here to the fullest extent possible. It’s important to remember my intent here of placing plenty under a spiritual microscope to merely visit modes of deconstruction and analysis for study and (formal) practice possibilities, not as a general normalized mode of living. And while I go into minute details pertaining to this sutta please keep in mind it’s likely more helpful not to keep considering this sutta in isolation but within the broader context of the Buddha’s (other) teachings.