How do I meditate? Am I meditating right? | July 27, 2023 “Meditation Q & A With Wendy Nash” #10

In this tenth installment of the ongoing live series with Wendy Nash inquiring into meditation practice on and off the cushion we explore fundamentals of mediation via the questions: How do I meditate? Am I meditating right? We addressed some of the groundwork in What Is Meditation? | 11/2/2022 “Meditation Q & A With WendyContinue reading “How do I meditate? Am I meditating right? | July 27, 2023 “Meditation Q & A With Wendy Nash” #10”

Kindly Cutting Crap With Wendy Nash

[9/16/2022 UPDATE: Learn more about the new monthly “Meditation Q & A” with Wendy and I on September 29th at 7pm Central] On July 10th, I spoke with Wendy Nash, meditation coach and forthcoming Integrating Presence cohost of the monthly series “Meditation Q & A” mostly about her background, PTSD, love, honesty, wise speech andContinue reading “Kindly Cutting Crap With Wendy Nash”

Readiness | (3/29/2022 — “Ask Us Anything – LIVE” With Lydia Grace And Joanne Muir)

Fellow Insight Timer teacher Lydia Grace once again inspired the title of this “Ask Us Anything” — live, monthly, open-audience, open-discussions about meditation and related topics. Recently on Lydia’s Insight Timer circle Embodied Living she said of her new three month training Radical Authenticity: “When the energy of empowerment lies dormant in our psyche, we are giving our powerContinue reading “Readiness | (3/29/2022 — “Ask Us Anything – LIVE” With Lydia Grace And Joanne Muir)”

Impact (And/Over) Intent | (1/25/2022 — “Ask Us Anything – LIVE” With Denny K Miu And Lydia Grace)

For this month’s regular open-audience, open-discussion “Ask Us Anything” — continuing discussions about meditation and related topics — fellow Insight Timer teachers Lydia Grace, Denny and I explore the alignment of intent and impact. Doing full show notes seems to take (me) a lot of time and energy so I may or may not include full notes later. IContinue reading “Impact (And/Over) Intent | (1/25/2022 — “Ask Us Anything – LIVE” With Denny K Miu And Lydia Grace)”